Darth Sidious

The goal is simple To share my modest knowledge about hacking Windows systems. This is commonly refered to as red team exercises. This book however, is also very concerned with the blue team; the defenders. That is, helping those who are working as defenders, analysts and security experts to build secure Active Directory environments and monitor them for malicious activity.

There are three major parts in this book 1. Building a lab 2. Hacking it 3. Defending it

I have structured this book so it can be followed more or less sequentally. To practice many of these things, a lab is necessary. That is why I have made a few guides on how to build a lab, with varying degrees of comprehensiveness and size.

Getting started


Getting the Source Code

The source for this book is available in the book's github repository.


Questions/Suggestions: Ping me on Twitter @chryzsh

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